Yves Hélie also taught at the school «Jeunes Musiciens du Monde» for 9 years in Sherbrooke. He is proud to have participated in the noble mission this school got involved in, to give free music courses to children who wouldn't have had the chance to afford it otherwise.
The school allows the children to integrate in stimulating activities while giving them confidence and self-esteem,in addition with the tools to grow, blossom and cultivate happiness. The available courses at the school in Sherbrooke are : chorale, percussions from Quebec, Ireland and Afrique, dance, gigue, violin, flute, guitar, piano, diatonic accordion, harmonica.
Click this image
> > > > >
to visit the
school's website.

Yves Hélie has a special link to «Sag'né Accordions», given his collaboration with the owner Marcel Desgagné, for the creation of the new 15 button accordion.
This new model offers lots of possibilities on the melodic aspect and allows one to play the 12 keys on a small accordion, which spares the player to carry many instruments.
To buy yourself one of those accordions or for more details,
click this link for his contact information :
While we're in the process of developing a more substantial page or website for «SAG'NÉ Accordions» you can watch this Youtube video clip on which you'll see the numerous SAG'NÉ accordions on a piece interpreted by Yves Hélie, on a SAG'NÉ accordion, of course.
You can also download this document describing the characteristics of the
«Melodeon Sag'né» by clicking the image below.